1970 - 1974 :
Born in August 20 1970 (the devil must have cursed this day) in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital -what a hoot!!
1974 - 1976 :
Learned to read by the time I was 4 and begin going to Kindergarten at 4 to St. Aidens, Bahau, Negeri Sembilan.
1976 – 1977 :
Went to continue preschool in Malacca and went on to primary one (my dad passed on during the holidays)
1978 – 1979 :
Moved to Johor Bahru – Sek. Ren. Keb. Ayer Molek to continue primary two and moved to KL for primary 3 – I became a librarian with the sole objective of stealing books and created a mini library in my house(behind my sisters cupboard – and 2 days before we moved to KL I got rid of the books in a River by the house to avoid getting busted by mom! I actually felt sad in letting those books go! Moby Dick by Herman Melville and Black Beauty by Ann Sewell were among the heaps of Enid Blyton’s Secret 7 and Famous 5.
1979 – 1982 :
Moved Back to KL to continue primary 3 and half way we moved back to Johor Bahru to finish up Primary 6 (by this time I couldn’t be bothered making friends or losing them, also I did my first scam among class mates by charging them 5sen for making their pencils look brand new (I spat on them and wiped em’ clean with my pants, and told them I had a special chemical to do it – hey I was 10 years old!! Give me a break!! Also I applied for food coupons for orphans (not that we were poor – It was so I could keep my pocket money to by World War II model airplanes in Singapore. It was 3Sing dollars back then there was no difference in currency rates. I used to take a bus to Singapore without my mom knowing about it!
1983 – 1984 :
Moved to KL – Sek Men Hulu Klang … I found a friend, Nazri and eventually found another friend Din (we are still friends – more than 2 decades has passed) we were riots! We threw fire crackers into people’s homes and stole the mail for our stamp collection, we also picked up playing the guitar and chess. Break dancing and BMX bicycles were the other things we were into, I studied hard at night and never lost my reading habits though I kept it a secret…. Why I don’t know…! Over the weekends we broke into the klang gate dams for our weekly swimming incursions!!
To be continued….
Born in August 20 1970 (the devil must have cursed this day) in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital -what a hoot!!
1974 - 1976 :
Learned to read by the time I was 4 and begin going to Kindergarten at 4 to St. Aidens, Bahau, Negeri Sembilan.
1976 – 1977 :
Went to continue preschool in Malacca and went on to primary one (my dad passed on during the holidays)
1978 – 1979 :
Moved to Johor Bahru – Sek. Ren. Keb. Ayer Molek to continue primary two and moved to KL for primary 3 – I became a librarian with the sole objective of stealing books and created a mini library in my house(behind my sisters cupboard – and 2 days before we moved to KL I got rid of the books in a River by the house to avoid getting busted by mom! I actually felt sad in letting those books go! Moby Dick by Herman Melville and Black Beauty by Ann Sewell were among the heaps of Enid Blyton’s Secret 7 and Famous 5.
1979 – 1982 :
Moved Back to KL to continue primary 3 and half way we moved back to Johor Bahru to finish up Primary 6 (by this time I couldn’t be bothered making friends or losing them, also I did my first scam among class mates by charging them 5sen for making their pencils look brand new (I spat on them and wiped em’ clean with my pants, and told them I had a special chemical to do it – hey I was 10 years old!! Give me a break!! Also I applied for food coupons for orphans (not that we were poor – It was so I could keep my pocket money to by World War II model airplanes in Singapore. It was 3Sing dollars back then there was no difference in currency rates. I used to take a bus to Singapore without my mom knowing about it!
1983 – 1984 :
Moved to KL – Sek Men Hulu Klang … I found a friend, Nazri and eventually found another friend Din (we are still friends – more than 2 decades has passed) we were riots! We threw fire crackers into people’s homes and stole the mail for our stamp collection, we also picked up playing the guitar and chess. Break dancing and BMX bicycles were the other things we were into, I studied hard at night and never lost my reading habits though I kept it a secret…. Why I don’t know…! Over the weekends we broke into the klang gate dams for our weekly swimming incursions!!
To be continued….
1984 - 1985 :
Moved to another school for 3 months and then quit to help my step dad in a palm oil plantation, it was fun out in the rurals - was getting sick of schools though I did well in exams, somewhere this time I started liking chemistry ( lots of chemicals in the plantation in Ulu Bernam) .. I think this was because of the TV show Macgyver (richard dean anderson..) anyway I used to fantasize about Sheena Easton the singer, and music started to get a hold on me, I listened to lyrics intently, eventually I found myself moving back in time musically, started liking The Gratefuldead, Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep (I was excited that I knew he was a character from Charles Dickens - David Copperfield- but nobody gave a damn.. I was suprised by this and realized most people dont make connections to the un-obvious... it was interesting) and was it by luck or divine intervention I stole a book from a bookstore on my trip back to Ulu Bernam after registering my name to the exam board - it was Arthur Conan Doyles - Sherlock Holmes!! It was amusing and I hardly touched my school books after that and was into it even on lunch breaks-by the way I was picking Palm Oil Seeds that come loose from the bunch, got paid 50cents per gunny sack. I began to think that life was a joke.. Also got into my first real fist fight!! That kid beat the crap out of me. His name was Anbu..
1985 - 1986 :
My elder brother came to get me in Ulu Bernam to do my exam in October 85, he came riding a scooter!! On the way back from that shit hole(I got tired of the place) the scoot brokedown and we spent the night in the mechanic's shop (my brother had to pawn his gold chain to pay for the repair.. not bad for a useless brother, the one thing that he did right was probably that after all the mess and trouble he used to cause, I was in total awe to find that my brother wasnt as selfish as I thought he was. This was when I started to think about things deeply and I realized there in that mechanics floor that "A killer can still be a good father and husband"
to be continued...