Humans Have managed to sink below the levels of basic instincts, The black knight put it to me....
thus making their quests for pleasure, desire, fortune and vile fame
through greed, mischief and morbid uncouth games ... the priorities in life.
thus making their quests for pleasure, desire, fortune and vile fame
through greed, mischief and morbid uncouth games ... the priorities in life.
The black night was speaking to me that night of this stench filled plight.
With his heart ripped open and bleeding he told me of the devils bidding
that, according to him has brought this race to its pinnacle of evil believing.
With his heart ripped open and bleeding he told me of the devils bidding
that, according to him has brought this race to its pinnacle of evil believing.
Run he said... run to the hills or the valleys of death
and there make your bed, lay in it and remember what I said
For the armies of envy and greed are hastily coming forth
While venge and hate are throned in the hemispheres of the north
and there make your bed, lay in it and remember what I said
For the armies of envy and greed are hastily coming forth
While venge and hate are throned in the hemispheres of the north
Run!! good people and hold not your forts
as from within they shall froth like a pot boiling with broth
Vile, decietful and their will yet plentiful with black thoughts
They will come and come till you are tangled in their web of knots
as from within they shall froth like a pot boiling with broth
Vile, decietful and their will yet plentiful with black thoughts
They will come and come till you are tangled in their web of knots
Cut it and flee for the good nurtured mind is absolute and free
As the Black Knight put it forth to me!